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Major Overhaul on Aina Moja Website

On November 23, 2016, early in the morning, I decided to test something on the Aina Moja website. The test failed – utterly. Unfortunately, so did the website. I lost access to all of the products on the website, though I could see them in the database.

I am a volunteer webmaster for Expanding Opportunities and I am currently redoing the Ex Op website. I planned on redoing the Aina Moja website after the turn of the New Year, leaving it as-is throughout the 2016 shopping season. However, my blunder on November 23 has led me to spend my Thanksgiving Holiday completely redoing the website with a brand new look, shopping cart, and updated items.

Please pardon the mess of this website and overlook my error. Bookmark it and come back in a few days to see all the wonderful African Art and Crafts Aina Moja has for sale. The sale of these items helps support the projects of Expanding Opportunities, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States, and an Non-Governemental Organization in Kenya, Africa.

Please visit Expanding Opportunites for more information about the organization and its projects.

Thank you for stopping by.


Julie M. Watkins

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